Version française



Historical data


Commemorative events in the region


Missing friends

Personal testimonies


Lacaune Jewish Friendship

The Association wishes to maintain and develop relations between the survivors and families of the Jews forcibly relocated in Lacaune during the Second World War and the town’s population, and to ensure that the duty of memory for that period is carried out by supporting pertinent research and its dissemination.


Justes parmi les Nations, trois Tarnais honorés
Durant la seconde guerre mondiale, ils ont caché des juifs chez eux, au péril de leur vie. Trois habitants d'Arthès, dans le Tarn ont reçu la médaille de "Justes parmi les Nations" à titre posthume. L'un des enfants sauvé est venu spécialement des Etats-Unis avec une partie de sa famille pour cette cérémonie émouvante.

Nous sommes 900 Français

À la mémoire des déportés du Convoi 73

Le site personnel d'Eve Line Blum-Cherchevsky

Rappelons tout d’abord brièvement que le convoi 73, parti de Drancy le 15 mai 1944, est un convoi de déportés juifs tout à fait atypique, le seul qui fut dirigé non pas à Auschwitz, mais vers les pays Baltes (Lituanie et Estonie), emmenant 878 hommes juifs, aptes au travail, mais ni femmes, ni enfants, ni personnes âgées.

C’est leur histoire qui fait l’objet des 7 volumes de l’ouvrage « Nous sommes 900 Français ». Ce titre est emprunté à l’inscription que l’un d’entre eux a laissée sur un mur du Fort IX de Kaunas (Lituanie) où une partie de ces hommes ont été enfermés avant d’être assassinés.

Les 7 volumes de "Nous sommes 900 Français" sont disponibles en ligne.

Témoignages concernant la famille d’Adèle HARTMAYER née WULKAN

Adèle HARTMAYER née WULKAN a été assignée à résidence à Lacaune

La vallée des Justes, un documentaire sur le sort des Juifs dans le Tarn durant l Occupation
Entre 1940 et 1945, le Tarn a connu les heures les plus sombres comme les plus glorieuses.
Le petit village de Vabre a caché de nombreux juifs qui ne furent jamais dénoncé. A quelques kilomètres de là, à Lacaune, 648 juifs furent assignés.
Un documentaire aborde cette histoire

Bande-annonce du documentaire La Vallée des Justes
A travers son documentaire "La vallée des Justes", Crestar production a pu recueillir de nombreux témoignages de juifs cachés durant cette époque mais aussi de tarnais qui ont pu les aider, à Vabre comme à Lacaune.

Grands entretiens Memoires de la Shoah Berthe Burko nee Falcman
Part. 1 : Le début de la guerre
Part. 2 : Enfant cachée (1942-1943)
Part. 3 : Cachée avec sa mère à Lacaune (1943-1945)
Part. 4 : L après-guerre
Part. 5 : La présentation des photographies et des documents

La vallée des Justes un documentaire sur le sort des Juifs dans le Tarn durant l Occupation
Sur le site de France 3 Occitanie

Colloque de Lacaune 2011 - Les voyages de mémoire de la Shoah sur le site AKADEM

Les Justes du Tarn
Sur le site du Comité Français pour Yad Vashem

Éclaireuses et Éclaireurs Unionistes de France pendant la seconde guerre mondiale
En 1939, le Mouvement compte 12 000 membres. Les activités scoutes continuent malgré leur interdiction en zone occupée. Elles sont dissimulées en ‘Jeunesse d’église’, ‘Jeunesse Croix-Rouge’ … Des actions d’aide à la population juive, aux évacués de guerre, et de résistance contre l’occupant sont menées tout au long de la guerre. Les chefs, cheftaines, aînés, participent à la création et à l’action de la Cimade.

1943 à MASSEUBE (Gers)
Le Centre d'hébergement oublié

Call for Papers for the 6th Lacaunian Symposium: Holocaust Remembrance Trips
This symposium on trips for students to sites of Holocaust remembrance will take place on 17-18 September 2011 and is the extension of the five previous international symposia held in Lacaune.

LA SHOAH DANS LES DEPARTEMENTS FRANÇAIS Déportation, sauvetage, survie (1/6)
Approches, problématiques et méthodologie (127 mn)
Jacques Fijalkow, Roger Fichtenberg, Serge Klarsfeld, Robert Mencherini, Jacques Sémelin

LA SHOAH DANS LES DEPARTEMENTS FRANÇAIS Déportation, sauvetage, survie (2/6)
La Shoah dans le Sud de la France (128 mn)
Alexandre Doulut, Olivier Héral, Michaël Iancu, Philippe Souleau, Nicole Yardéni

LA SHOAH DANS LES DEPARTEMENTS FRANÇAIS Déportation, sauvetage, survie (3/6)
Les ateliers de l’histoire (120 mn)
Geneviève et Georges Courtès, Alexandre Doulut, Patrick Garnier, Jean Faury, Daniel Fuks, Bernard Reviriego

LA SHOAH DANS LES DEPARTEMENTS FRANÇAIS Déportation, sauvetage, survie (4/6)
La Shoah dans l’ouest de la France (102 mn)
Yves Lecouturier, Karine Macarez, Claude Toczé, Colette Zytnicki

LA SHOAH DANS LES DEPARTEMENTS FRANÇAIS Déportation, sauvetage, survie (5/6)
La Shoah dans le centre de la France (83 mn)
Patrick Cabanel, Catherine Grynvogel, Simon Ostermann, Martin de La Soudière

LA SHOAH DANS LES DEPARTEMENTS FRANÇAIS Déportation, sauvetage, survie (6/6)
La Shoah dans l’Est de la France (93 mn)
Jacques Fijalkow, Ruth Fivaz-Silbermann, Robert Pistre, Jean Rolley

The Federation of learned societies in the Tarn (Fédération des sociétés intellectuelles du Tarn, FSIT)
The FSIT, with the help of the Archives in the Tarn, opens it web site. Readers will find contact information for member associations, publications...

Flines Caussade
Ce site est l'aboutissement du travail que Monique Biezunski Michel a réalisé pendant cinq ans pour que l'histoire qu'ont vécu ses parents, Denyse et Robert Michel, pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale fasse partie de l'Histoire.

The Union of the Jewish Volunteer Veterans, 1939-1945: their children and their friends
The website of their history.

Marie-José Colet - Lacaune Colloquium 2009: eradication overcome!
Observations on the 5th Lacaune Colloquium, on the website Inventeurs de lectures

Témoignage d’Isaac Borne
Former member of the Jewish Combat Organisation

Résistants en Montagne Noire ; le Corps Franc (1944-45)
Un historique très documenté du Corps Franc de la Montagne Noire avec de nombreux documents iconographiques sur le site Lieux secrets du Pays Cathare
The past in the present, a work by Léa Markscheid

Centre de recherches du patrimoine de Rieumontagne (The Rieumontagne historical research centre)

Association de sauvegarde du patrimoine des monts de Lacaune (Associataion for the protection of the heritage of the Lacaune mountains)
The project for a Memorial Book was launched by the Foundation for the Memory of Deportation. The data base inventories the names of 89,390 deportees in 363 lists of deportation convoys. Among them, 88,597 were arrested under repressive measures and 793 were cases of persecution
Extraits de l’ouvrage de Jonny Granzow 16 septembre 1943 L’évasion de la prison de Castres
Préface d’Alain Boscus
Connus ou inconnus, mais Justes
Les Justes d’Aquitaine
Une publication du Crif Sud-Ouest Aquitaine
Anonymes, Justes et persécutés durant la période nazie
L'association Anonymes, Justes et persécutés durant la période nazie s'est créée pour offrir une plate-forme ouverte de contributions, d'échanges et de rencontres entre toutes les personnes désireuses d'apporter un témoignage qui permettra d'enrichir, de compléter et de faire connaître une histoire ou un épisode de sauvetage durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Michel Goubet - Toulouse et la Haute-Garonne dans la guerre (1939-1945)
La vie quotidienne en images Editions Horvath
« Jewish families in the Gers » (1939-1945) Article published in Sud Ouest, Monday, 15 December, 2008
This teaching dossier was created for the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camps. Also on line, the magazine Je lis des histoires vraies —Reading true stories— (Fleurus Presse) for students in the higher grades of primary school, with the support of the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah
Teaching the Shoah in grade 5 Teacher’s book
Teaching the Shoah in grade 5
National competiton on the resistance and the deportation 2008-2009 - Bulletin of the Foundation for the memory of the deportation, no. 57, September 2008
FOREIGNERS IN THE ALPES-MARITIMES AS SEEN THROUGH PREFECTORAL DOCUMENTS, 1860-1944 Ph.D. Dissertation, by Jean Kleinmann The case of the Jews is presented on its own, since identifying them was indeed simple: police files were stamped with a "J" or "JEW". The presence of Jews in Nice and in the entire (administrative) department is particularly strong, estimated at between 20,000 and 25,000 persons, with a considerable level of movement within the area, compared to other regions. The nearby Italian border, clandestine crossings of same, forced relocations and internments in French concentration camps, arrests made under the Vichy government, aryanisation of Jewish goods and property, a certain level of protection the part of the Italian occupying forces compared with the ferocity which then followed under the German occupation —all make the presence and the outcomes of these Jews a special case in the overall picture of French persecution.
YadVashem on YouTube At present, on-line videos are only in English or Arabic
The song of the Peat Bog Soldiers The European hymn to deportation is the work, dating from July-August 1933, of several internees in the Nazi concentration camp of Börgermoor. It was first sung before nearly 1,000 prisoners who immediately joined in the chorus. Even before the beginning of the war, the song was known all across Europe in varied forms and was sung in prisons and internment camps set up in France by the Pétain regime.
Provides chronological indexes, case studies, analytical contributions on socio-political violence in a given country, a glossary of the terms most often used in genocide studies as well as theoretical papers written by the most representative authors in the field.
The Yad Layeled Association, France The Yad Layeled Association, France, develops and distributes innovative pedagogical tools enabling teachers to explore the history of the Shoah at school at upper primary and middle school levels.
The Ghetto Fighters' House The Ghetto Fighters' House – Itzhak Katzenelson Holocaust and Jewish Resistance Heritage Museum was founded in 1949 by a community of Holocaust survivors, members of the Jewish underground in the ghettos of Poland, and veterans of partisan units, to be a place of testimony that would tell the story of the Jewish People in the 20th century in general, and during the Second World War in particular. At the center of this chronicle are the manifestations of Jewish resistance: the organized uprisings of Jews in the ghettos and camps, and the Jews who fought in partisan units and the armies of the Allied forces.
The "Status of the Jews" and textbooks used in Law faculties (1940-1944): from description to legitimizing (Part 1) Référence électronique Dominique Gros , « Le "statut des juifs" et les manuels en usage dans les facultés de Droit (1940-1944) : de la description à la légitimation (Partie1) », Cultures & Conflits, 09-10, On line 27 January 2003 URL :
The "Status of the Jews" and textbooks used in Law faculties (Part 2) The study considers thirty-eight Law textbooks published in France from 1940 to 1944. Electronic reference Dominique Gros , « Le "statut des juifs" et les manuels en usage dans les facultés de Droit (Partie 2) », Cultures & Conflits, 09-10, On line 27 January 2003 URL :
The Isère Museum of Resistance and Deportation The Isère in the Second World War
Arrests, roundups and deportations in the region of Clermont-Ferrand. This site was created by the first year high school students, majoring in Economics, of the Jeanne d’Arc Lycée in Clermont-Ferrand. Their work is part of a pedagogical project accepted by the Memorial of the Shoah.
Doctor Gaston Lévy Memories of a children’s doctor in the OSE (Children’s Aid Organisation) in occupied France and Switzerland 1940-1945 Downloadable text
A forgotten camp in the Indre, Montgivray (1941-1945) Between 1941 and 1944, the concentration camp in Montgivray, near La Châtre, interned groups of foreign workers, many of whom, as Jews, were deported to Nazi extermination camps.
« Aloumim », Israeli Association of Jewish Children Hidden in France This Association was born from the need to not forget our past and to make the memory endure
The Creation of the Title of Righteous Among the Nations 1953-1963 Sarah Gensburger, « The Creation of the Title of Righteous among the Nations », Bulletin of the French Research Centre of Jerusalem, 15, fall 2004 [on line], uploaded 15 November 2007. URL :
The « Dannes-Camiers » Research group was set up by the children and grandchildren of persons deported from Liège to the labour camps of Northern France. Its aim is to find, gather together and disseminate information and documents, including those from the different local administrations, relative to this little-known episode of the deportation of Belgian Jews. from the regions of Liège and Seraing.
Despoilment in the camps in the provinces La documentation Française: Despoilment in the camps in the provinces/ Study mission of the despoilment of the French Jews; directed by Jean Mattéoli, Serge Klarsfeld, André Delahaye (et al.) Text on line
The internment camp in Mérignac 1940-1944 The camp in Mérignac was also used in the deportation of Jews from the Bordeaux region.
The France of concentration camps (1938-1946) On-line PhD. dissertation
Cercil / Research centre on internment camps in the Loiret. The Research and Documentation Centre on the internment camps and the Jewish deportation in the Loiret
Jean Kleinmann, " Antisemitic policies in the Alpes-Maritimes from 1938 to 1944", Cahiers de la Méditerranée, vol. 74, Crises in the history of the Alpes-Marities, 2007. [On line], uploaded November 14, 2007. URL: Between 1940 and 1944, laws against jews taken by Vichy’s government were little by little applied at Nice and in all Maritim Alp’s department. Firstly protected because it was situated in the « free area » and after under italian control, department with the german occupation from the subject of a severe persecution towards jews who took refuge at Nice, ran away several countries of Europe.
Revision of the author's mémoire de maîtrise Les juifs de Lacaune-les-Bains, 1940-1945 (Université Toulouse II, 1997).,M1
Short and long term psychological repercussions — 2002 (excepts of the on-line book)
While many, many books have been written on the Shoah, and more and more individual testimonies are being heard from the now-called "last remaining" witnesses, analyses of the dark years of the Nazi occupation from a regional perspective are in fact quite rare. The remarkable study undertaken by Michaël Iancu on Montpellier and the surrounding region during the "leaden years" thus fills an important gap. Focusing on the French administrative department of the Hérault, it offers original insight in the the tragic period of 1940-1944.
Des échos complémentaires au site institutionnel.
Lavaur (Tarn): He discovers a cousin who survived Auschwitz, La Dépëche du Midi - October 11, 2007
The Shoah in the eyes of high school students in the Department of the Tarn, La Dépëche du Midi - October 5, 2007
Official site of the Lacaune City Hall
Departmental Archives of the Tarn
At the “Militarial” [military museum] of Boissezon in the Tarn, recent conflicts are brought to mind. It presents the veterans’ memorial museum of the First and Second World Wars, of the Resistance and Deportation, and of the Wars of Indochina and Algeria.
Stories, testimonies and documents on the Maquis in Vabre, a noted resistance stronghold during the Second World War.
The Righteous among nations : Abbot Cugnasse Abbot Cugnasse was Director of the Petit Séminaire Saint-Louis in Pratlong, located in the region of the Lacaune Mountains, and a welcoming refuge for many Resistance fighters and persecuted Jews. See the site of the French Yad Vashem Committee.
Traces and tracks, an “ordinary” exile Dorot-association d’histoire [The Dorot historical association] is pleased to present on-line the result of three years of research. The site publishes and shares sources of information on foreign Jewish refugees in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy. To date, the data bases comprise 13,000 names, and are constantly evolving. Among available data: partial lists of interned prisoners in the camps in St. Cyprien, Rivesaltes, les Milles; two censuses of Jews in Lyon in 1941 and 1943...
Jews in the department of the Lot-et-Garonne: the list from Casseneuil In August, 1942, the Jews in the Lot-et-Garonne were rounded up from across the department and interned in the camp in at Casseneuil. A week later, 346 among them, including 34 children, were gassed in Auschwitz.
The road to Casseneuil and beyond Testimony of Kurt Rosendahl, survivor of the roundup of August 1942
Account of the Jews shot in Miremont, Haute-Garonne, June 2, 1944 Auscaler, Daniel – Shrameck, Jean – Auscaler, Maurice – Siesel, Marcel-Sylvain - Gouzy, Etienne – Stein, Léon – Kapelovitz, Simon – Wulfston, Simon – Kohn, Hans – Zara, Haim – Lahana, Roger – Lipszyc, Yankiel – Nahon, Moïse Edmond – Schonholz, Jean – Schonholz, Maurice
The Union of Jewish Volunteer Veterans 1939-1945, their children and friends Practically nothing has been said about the contribution of foreign-born Jews who, by the thousands, took up arms at the outbreak of war to defend their country of adoption. A page of the site is devoted to Marcel Langer, guillotined at the Saint Michel prison in Toulouse July 23, 1943.
The Memorial to the deportation of the Jews in Septfonds On the site, one can also consult a study devoted to the “Judes” camp: History of the “small camp” of Septfonds (1939-1945)
Life-saving actions in the area of Carmaux A site dedicated to life-saving actions particularly in the region of Carmaux (Tarn) carried out by pastor Paul Haering, his wife Suzanne and pastor Albert Delord. All three have been awarded the medal of the Righteous among nations.
The Righteous among nations in the South-west of France The French departments of the Landes, Basses-Pyrénées and Hautes-Pyrénées. Estelle Pires, Master’s thesis for the programme Identities and Heritage in Southern spaces. Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Arts Faculty. See the site of the French Yad Vashem Committee.
The Righteous among nations : the department of the Tarn All of the Righteous among nations, listed by place of residence (French « departments »), on the site of the French Yad Vashem Committee.
The Camp in St-Sulpice-la-Pointe in the department of the Tarn Brief history of one of the two internments camps in the Tarn (October 16, 1940-August 23, 1944)